Sunday, December 28, 2008
I wanted to post this picture of Emmy and Seth playing with their new toys. They decided they needed to go grocery shopping. ha ha ha! Notice Seth saying "I got straws for my juice." ha ha

posted by Julie at 2:41 PM | 4 comments
Sorry it has been so long since my last post but Christmas has been so busy. I am just going to post a bunch of pictures on this post and I will post a cute video on the next post. To all my friends that helped me figure out the big surprise for went off really well. Christian's friend, Keith, was such a big help! We picked up his bike the Friday before Christmas and Keith trailered it to his house for storage. We spent Christmas day with my parents so we decided that I would call Keith that day while we were gone to try and figure out a good time for him to bring the bike up to the house and put a big red bow on it. We drove up to the driveway and the bike was sitting right there with the bow on it. Christian looked at me and said "What is that? What did you do?" with a cute smirk. The next few minutes he kept asking "How did you get it here? Who helped you with this?" I knew Keith would be pulling up any minute and that floored him! He had no idea how I got Keith involved. LOVE IT!!! So here are some pics from all our Christmas days starting with Christmas Eve with the Guarnizos.

Emmy & Abby
Abo & Seth
Emmy loves her doll stroller
Emmy & Mommy
Then it was Christmas morning with Santa and then to my parents for their Christmas.

Santa's Loot
Not sure the Handy Manny truck is made for this

Emmy is eyeing Pop to see if he would notice if she snagged that dog ornament
This would have been an OK picture if the fog would leave
Uncle Sam hangs with the kiddies watching cartoons
Then we head home for the surprise.

Still trying to figure out how I did it or who helped
Tries it on for size
Sam tries it on and Keith (my co-conspirator) shows up
posted by Julie at 2:17 PM | 3 comments
Sunday, December 21, 2008
We had our Louisville Christmas at Mom Thomas's house yesterday. It was awesome...the house was packed and noisy as it should be. Aunt Ruby, Christye, Ray, and all their kids were there. Aunt Shirley and Uncle Cal, Dad, and Sam and us. Mom was sick at home. The food was amazing!! I think it was better than Thanksgiving.

Post Dinner Coma-Like State

Look at those guns... hee
Gift Opening Madness
Emmy knew to feed the baby right sweet
Can you tell he loves that helicopter?
This was his cousin's gift that he took over for a bit.
He was trying to imitate Andrew (our skateboarding neighbor).
He actually jumped up on the board and fell backwards trying to do a move.
posted by Julie at 6:51 PM | 2 comments
Seth and I made our first gingerbread house Friday night. We decided to wait until Emmy went to sleep...she was more interested in eating candy than helping. Go figure. ha!

Last night, Seth and Emmy's babysitter, Allie, and her younger sister, Addison, came over to give them big teddy bears and Santa hats. As you can see, Seth loves them!!

posted by Julie at 6:23 PM | 2 comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Seth has his first real caroling concert at school today. It was adorable. The 3 year old class sang first and did 3 songs with coreography. That's right...these teachers managed to teach them words and coreography. They looked so cute!!!

Set Up - Notice Seth peering as the teachers
help a kid that started crying...So Subtle!

Not sure if you can tell from this pic, but
Seth was turned and smiling right at us!

Doing coreography for Tip-Toe for Baby Jesus song
The hoards of parentazzis taking pictures. HA
Seth's attention span was gone...He was turned
around making funny faces at my mom
The Cookie Fest afterward
Seth & JuJu

Seth & Julia (one of his girlfriends at school)
And yes, we see the height difference but in his defense
Julia is very tall for her age and he can't help that
he likes the supermodel type.
posted by Julie at 3:00 PM | 4 comments
So we visited Santa last night. We ended up at the Santa in Bass Pro at Discover Mills. We went to that mall because it was the closest. Anyway, the mall Santa had gray pimp hair and a gray beard. I mean really...he couldn't even color his hair white? So we were going to leave and found the Santa in Bass Pro Shop. So nevermind the stuffed animals all around but the Santa was very sweet and looked really "Santa Like." Seth wasn't as excited as I had hoped ... he just talked to him like a normal guy. But there were no tears from either of them. Emily was fascinated by his beard. Seth told him he wanted Legos (Thank God...we have those) and an FJ like Uncle Mike's. He told Santa that Emmy had been good and she wanted a baby doll. How sweet is that???

We told Seth that Santa flies all around the world on Christmas Eve to deliver presents. He thought about it a minute and that goes "Like this?" and started flapping his arms. hahaha! So we had to explain the much more logical story that reindeer fly and pull his sleigh. He just said "Hmm."

Can you tell we are in a Bass Pro?

posted by Julie at 10:03 AM | 5 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
This was a picture I finally pulled off the camera. This was from Sickie Weekend. Don't they look pathetic and cute all at the same time. They were all set up watching Cars. :)

posted by Julie at 7:52 PM | 6 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
I haven't blogged in awhile because there has been NOTHING going on. When I say nothing, I mean nothing! Both Emily and Seth have been sick. Seth is finally better and the ear infection is gone. Emily is still battling off her cold. So between that and Christian's working this past weekend...NOTHING has been going on. I am getting stir-crazy and bored with it, too.

I have started wrapping presents here and there so it won't be as hard at the end. Lord knows, I am not a good wrapper at all. I am taking a vacation day on Thursday so Christian and I can hit Atlantic Station and shop! Thank God. I cannot wait. Sure we will grab a few Christmas presents but we want to shop for us, too. I think we are going to see Four Christmases too. :)

As soon as I have time to upload pictures, I will put a pic up here.
posted by Julie at 8:07 PM | 1 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
While Thanksgiving was great, the rest of our weekend was hunkered down at home with the sick little ones. Seth is now better and the antibiotics kicked in on his ear infection. But Emily now has the cold he had. But luckily, they both don't realize they are sick. They are playing and smiling just the same. But with the nasty weather outside, we decided to just be hermits this weekend. It was very nice.

And while we were hunkered at home, we caught up on the whole season of Sons of Anarchy. What a great show! And what a hot leading guy, Jax. Christian and I are hooked.
posted by Julie at 7:34 AM | 2 comments