Monday, December 8, 2008
I haven't blogged in awhile because there has been NOTHING going on. When I say nothing, I mean nothing! Both Emily and Seth have been sick. Seth is finally better and the ear infection is gone. Emily is still battling off her cold. So between that and Christian's working this past weekend...NOTHING has been going on. I am getting stir-crazy and bored with it, too.

I have started wrapping presents here and there so it won't be as hard at the end. Lord knows, I am not a good wrapper at all. I am taking a vacation day on Thursday so Christian and I can hit Atlantic Station and shop! Thank God. I cannot wait. Sure we will grab a few Christmas presents but we want to shop for us, too. I think we are going to see Four Christmases too. :)

As soon as I have time to upload pictures, I will put a pic up here.
posted by Julie at 8:07 PM |


At December 9, 2008 at 6:06 AM, Blogger Paula said........
These are the times that try men's souls.

Enjoy getting out and about!