Sunday, December 21, 2008
We had our Louisville Christmas at Mom Thomas's house yesterday. It was awesome...the house was packed and noisy as it should be. Aunt Ruby, Christye, Ray, and all their kids were there. Aunt Shirley and Uncle Cal, Dad, and Sam and us. Mom was sick at home. The food was amazing!! I think it was better than Thanksgiving.

Post Dinner Coma-Like State

Look at those guns... hee
Gift Opening Madness
Emmy knew to feed the baby right sweet
Can you tell he loves that helicopter?
This was his cousin's gift that he took over for a bit.
He was trying to imitate Andrew (our skateboarding neighbor).
He actually jumped up on the board and fell backwards trying to do a move.
posted by Julie at 6:51 PM |


At December 21, 2008 at 10:02 PM, Blogger Blog author said........
Don't you love how little girls just know how to mother? So cute!!

At December 22, 2008 at 6:30 AM, Blogger Paula said........
That look of concentration on Seth's face! That's a sign of a good present.