Sunday, December 28, 2008
Sorry it has been so long since my last post but Christmas has been so busy. I am just going to post a bunch of pictures on this post and I will post a cute video on the next post. To all my friends that helped me figure out the big surprise for went off really well. Christian's friend, Keith, was such a big help! We picked up his bike the Friday before Christmas and Keith trailered it to his house for storage. We spent Christmas day with my parents so we decided that I would call Keith that day while we were gone to try and figure out a good time for him to bring the bike up to the house and put a big red bow on it. We drove up to the driveway and the bike was sitting right there with the bow on it. Christian looked at me and said "What is that? What did you do?" with a cute smirk. The next few minutes he kept asking "How did you get it here? Who helped you with this?" I knew Keith would be pulling up any minute and that floored him! He had no idea how I got Keith involved. LOVE IT!!! So here are some pics from all our Christmas days starting with Christmas Eve with the Guarnizos.

Emmy & Abby
Abo & Seth
Emmy loves her doll stroller
Emmy & Mommy
Then it was Christmas morning with Santa and then to my parents for their Christmas.

Santa's Loot
Not sure the Handy Manny truck is made for this

Emmy is eyeing Pop to see if he would notice if she snagged that dog ornament
This would have been an OK picture if the fog would leave
Uncle Sam hangs with the kiddies watching cartoons
Then we head home for the surprise.

Still trying to figure out how I did it or who helped
Tries it on for size
Sam tries it on and Keith (my co-conspirator) shows up
posted by Julie at 2:17 PM |


At December 28, 2008 at 4:19 PM, Blogger Paula said........
I love the look on Christian's face. You totally pulled it off.


At December 28, 2008 at 9:22 PM, Blogger jms said........
I love it! I wish I could figure out something to surprise Giff with like that . . . hmmm, I'll have to think on that one. Emmy is looking more and more like you. I think the Handy Manny picture is against the instruction manual. Emmy's doll stroller is so cute = ) The bed Sam is laying on is so your parent's house!! I remember that bed!

At December 29, 2008 at 7:49 AM, Blogger Julie said........
I hope you don't remember it too much as it was Sam's bed back in the day...ha ha ha! Yep, the comforter is so my mom's house.