Monday, March 22, 2010
Seth's big 5th birthday was Saturday and I will do a separate post about that with pictures. I just wanted to include a little blurb from our Sunday morning.

Knowing that Christian had to work Sat night from 11pm-3am and that we had plans with the Greene's Sunday at 1pm, we knew church was not happening. So I planned to take the kids downstairs and let Christian sleep in. The first part of that happened, I took the kids downstairs and then I promptly fell back asleep on the couch while they were playing with Seth's new toys. They were playing so quiet and well that I really fell asleep. So they went back upstairs and apparently found my make-up! Yes, I have heard stories from my friends on the day their kids found their make-up or sharpie markers or the crayons found the wall.

But wow, the mess that TWO loose powder compacts can make is similar to the first time a blind man with no hands attempts to make a cake. And who knew that in the eyes of a 3 or 5 year old suspect, the mascara wand must look like a paint glad they touched up my bathroom cabinets with that. Yet, somehow they caused minimal damage to my make-up stash and to our property. However, it took 6 cotton swabs with make-up remover to clean Emily and 7 to clean Seth. Needless to say, they were in trouble. So as a few friends have asked...No, there are NO pictures. We were in punishing mode and a camera would have made them think it was cute...which it wasn't. That being said, in 10 years...Great story!
posted by Julie at 9:14 AM | 2 comments
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I am completely over this winter. I can't remember another Winter in Atlanta with these temperatures or these nasty rains and snows. I am completely over it and ready for my favorite Spring weather. So this weekend, we had gorgeous weather. We hit the park immediately. We even brought Bo who was so excited to be included, he could hardly contain his dancing as we packed up the car. He must have shed 5 years when we put his leash on. Of course, then he gained them right back when we brought the dog ramp out for the back of my truck. He almost looks humiliated to have to use it. ha!

posted by Julie at 8:49 PM | 3 comments
I haven't had any time in the last week to blog. So allow me to catch up.

First, I woke up two weeks ago with mild bell's palsy. Strange and True. Not sure what brought it on but there is right half of my central face was paralyzed. Lucky for me, it was mild. Wasn't extremely noticeable to others until I pointed it out. But the first week, I had a very watery right eye and had to manually shut it every 20 minutes or so. But this could have been much worse. So I guess I was lucky with that.

Then, both kids got sick with some coughing then runny noses (always tons of fun with toddlers...gross) then Seth got an ear infection. Bring on the Amoxycillan. But of course, this is all going to happen when I am slated to attend the HIMSS conference downtown. I went to 3 of the 4 days. And luckily the day I was planning to not go because of doctor's appointments, was the same day of sleet and snow. Thank you for that small favor.

Another good favor was that Christian was able to call in and use some comp time Tuesday last week to help me get the kids to the doctor's office while I had my doctor's appointment. Then we took turns going to the pharmacy since they were so backed up. Then I was trying to find a silver lining in the fact that our hot water heater finally died on that same day that Christian was off work. Thank goodness. Not so good that it died while having 2 sick little ones with nasty sheets. Oh well, when it rains, it pours.

And one last boot in the butt last week? Our most profitable vending machine was stolen from the Kroger in Conyers. Yea! That was just the last straw we needed to go ahead and sell our vending business. I am glad we tried it but it was more work than the money was worth. We figured that Christian can just work one extra job a month and bring home the same money. Oh well. Now, I just need to find time to list the vending machines on Craigslist. Any takers?
posted by Julie at 8:41 PM | 2 comments