Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I am completely over this winter. I can't remember another Winter in Atlanta with these temperatures or these nasty rains and snows. I am completely over it and ready for my favorite Spring weather. So this weekend, we had gorgeous weather. We hit the park immediately. We even brought Bo who was so excited to be included, he could hardly contain his dancing as we packed up the car. He must have shed 5 years when we put his leash on. Of course, then he gained them right back when we brought the dog ramp out for the back of my truck. He almost looks humiliated to have to use it. ha!

posted by Julie at 8:49 PM |


At March 9, 2010 at 11:47 PM, Blogger jms said........
Great pictures! Bo has a ramp ☺ Does he use one to get up on the bed and sofa too? Like in the catalogs? ☺

At March 10, 2010 at 7:45 AM, Blogger Unknown said........
Bo isn't allowed in our bed...are you kidding? he's huge! And the sofa too. Although, I did catch him on the sofa in a blanket on one of our really cold days...I think he was freezing and saw the blanket. ha!

At March 11, 2010 at 5:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
I love that we had so much snow this winter, but I am finally ready for spring!! Glad y'all had a good day at the park.