Monday, March 22, 2010
Seth's big 5th birthday was Saturday and I will do a separate post about that with pictures. I just wanted to include a little blurb from our Sunday morning.

Knowing that Christian had to work Sat night from 11pm-3am and that we had plans with the Greene's Sunday at 1pm, we knew church was not happening. So I planned to take the kids downstairs and let Christian sleep in. The first part of that happened, I took the kids downstairs and then I promptly fell back asleep on the couch while they were playing with Seth's new toys. They were playing so quiet and well that I really fell asleep. So they went back upstairs and apparently found my make-up! Yes, I have heard stories from my friends on the day their kids found their make-up or sharpie markers or the crayons found the wall.

But wow, the mess that TWO loose powder compacts can make is similar to the first time a blind man with no hands attempts to make a cake. And who knew that in the eyes of a 3 or 5 year old suspect, the mascara wand must look like a paint glad they touched up my bathroom cabinets with that. Yet, somehow they caused minimal damage to my make-up stash and to our property. However, it took 6 cotton swabs with make-up remover to clean Emily and 7 to clean Seth. Needless to say, they were in trouble. So as a few friends have asked...No, there are NO pictures. We were in punishing mode and a camera would have made them think it was cute...which it wasn't. That being said, in 10 years...Great story!
posted by Julie at 9:14 AM |


At March 22, 2010 at 1:59 PM, Blogger jms said........
Hahaha! . . . and I'm so glad you said that about no pictures because it was punishment time . . . I've always wondered about those pictures you see where the kids have demolished something and here the parent is taking a picture . . . how do you justify the fact that it's funny enough to need a picture but the kids are still in trouble?? See you tomorrow!

At March 28, 2010 at 3:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Oh, wow! Little stinkers. :) Ella has shown interest in my makeup, so she has her own Tinker Bell "makeup" set that she can put on while I'm doing my own. Maybe that would be good for Emily, but probably not for Seth! haha