Sunday, March 22, 2009
It's hard to believe how fast time really does fly. I know I heard that expression for years growing up, but since having kids...I see the truth to it. Seth turned 4 on Friday. The weather was beautiful and the weekend was so much fun!

First, my parents picked him up from school Friday to take him fishing and give him their gifts. I popped in on their fishing trip to take a few pics.

Then they brought him home to his surprise...a bike in the driveway...hmm, seems to be a running theme in our family!

How appropriate that his shirt reads: I Do My Own Stunts
We did a little party for Seth on Saturday at Bounce-A-Rama and several of his friends from his class came as well. This year he had a ball...he really understood that it was his birthday!

On your mark, Get Set, Go!

First Garrett...
Then Daddy Follows
Ladies First
Chris & Keltey
Stephanie & Alexis
Emily had definitely worked up a thirst

Could he be any happier?

Guess he can...with cake in front of him

Aunt Melissa & Emmy
Seth builds his "town"
posted by Julie at 9:36 PM | 1 comments
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
A few weeks ago the weather was perfect outside and we had spring fever. So I thought it was a perfect night to dress the kids up in soccer attire and surprise Christian at his soccer game since it was at 7 pm...They are usually not until 9-10 at night. I found Colombian soccer jerseys in both of their sizes in the dresser. Christian was quick to point out that the jerseys represent rival teams...OOPS! ha! I loved Seth's mohawk.

Apparently, a mohawk makes you stick your tongue out
Emmy decided all-out chaos was her cup of tea
Ready for the game
Again with the tongue

He's like a flash of lightening, he's so fast. OK, the camera setting was off.
Seth thought his red jersey meant he was on the team.
He loves his daddy!
posted by Julie at 2:11 PM | 1 comments
Monday, March 2, 2009
We had tons of snow yesterday...TONS. It poured down for 10 straight hours. However, since it has also rained for the previous 3 days, it was just a bunch of slush and mush. But that didn't stop Mike and Melissa from driving up in the FJ and playing with us. Seth was frozen but kept wanting to play. Emily liked it for a second and then was over it.

posted by Julie at 10:52 AM | 1 comments