Wednesday, March 18, 2009
A few weeks ago the weather was perfect outside and we had spring fever. So I thought it was a perfect night to dress the kids up in soccer attire and surprise Christian at his soccer game since it was at 7 pm...They are usually not until 9-10 at night. I found Colombian soccer jerseys in both of their sizes in the dresser. Christian was quick to point out that the jerseys represent rival teams...OOPS! ha! I loved Seth's mohawk.

Apparently, a mohawk makes you stick your tongue out
Emmy decided all-out chaos was her cup of tea
Ready for the game
Again with the tongue

He's like a flash of lightening, he's so fast. OK, the camera setting was off.
Seth thought his red jersey meant he was on the team.
He loves his daddy!
posted by Julie at 2:11 PM |


At March 18, 2009 at 3:07 PM, Blogger Blog author said........
I'm sure he loved having you there! Cute pics.