Sunday, March 22, 2009
It's hard to believe how fast time really does fly. I know I heard that expression for years growing up, but since having kids...I see the truth to it. Seth turned 4 on Friday. The weather was beautiful and the weekend was so much fun!

First, my parents picked him up from school Friday to take him fishing and give him their gifts. I popped in on their fishing trip to take a few pics.

Then they brought him home to his surprise...a bike in the driveway...hmm, seems to be a running theme in our family!

How appropriate that his shirt reads: I Do My Own Stunts
We did a little party for Seth on Saturday at Bounce-A-Rama and several of his friends from his class came as well. This year he had a ball...he really understood that it was his birthday!

On your mark, Get Set, Go!

First Garrett...
Then Daddy Follows
Ladies First
Chris & Keltey
Stephanie & Alexis
Emily had definitely worked up a thirst

Could he be any happier?

Guess he can...with cake in front of him

Aunt Melissa & Emmy
Seth builds his "town"
posted by Julie at 9:36 PM |


At March 23, 2009 at 2:41 PM, Blogger Blog author said........
I'm so glad that he had such a great party! I wish we could have been there to see his face! What a big boy.