Monday, August 23, 2010
As most of you know, we lost Bo on Saturday morning. :( My sweet boy put up a good fight but didn't have the strength to keep going. Friday and Friday night was really hard on him ... and me. We took him to the vet Saturday morning and his reaction to Bo was all the confirmation needed. We felt owed it to Bo to not let him suffer anymore and have some relief. So the weekend has been sad and strange. I have had Bo with me for 10 years. A lot has happened in those 10 years since Bo came to me at 6 weeks old. I started dating Christian (who also had a boxer), Dana passed away (who spoiled Bo as though she was his godmother. ha), I owned a convertible (quick year phase of my life before realizing Atlanta is too hot for those), bought my first place in Avondale Estates, played softball where Bo sort of became an unofficial mascot since he came to the game, married Christian, bought a house with a big yard for Bo, had Seth and Emmy who Bo doted on.... Yep, a lot has changed and yet he was my constant. So this week will be little clips and fun times with my sweet boy.

Love how sweet both Seth and Bo are in this clip.

posted by Julie at 7:55 PM |


At August 25, 2010 at 8:04 AM, Blogger Blog author said........
Again, so sorry about Bo... :(