Thursday, August 12, 2010
Christian and I needed a break away for quick weekend. We decided to do a quick run to Callaway Gardens. It is only 2 hours from here and they were running a great summer special. We were able to see a Wild Animal Safari, the butterfly center, and the beach. We learned there aren't many restaurants or places to eat down there but luckily we hit 2 good grub spots. :)

So we got into town around 2pm Friday...blazing hot afternoon with temperatures hanging around a smoltey 100 degrees. So what would you do? Why rent a safari van with no A/C and spend an hour driving 5 miles an hour through a wild animal safari. Yep, sounds fun! The kids were cracking us up but they seemed to love it. Here are some pics from that and a video.

Never mind the freaked out screams from the back of the van...
I swear Seth ended up liking it at the end.

As we embark in the junkyard rental van

Not sure what's more interesting here...the giraffe OR
the jackass that drove their almost brand new Toyota SUV through the safari.

That night we drove around looking for the restaurant, Crickets, and low and behold it is right next door to Pine Mountain Chalet Club. My grandmother used to own a Chalet in here and we would go every summer for vacation. It is awesome. It is a community of chalets on a lake. I had to drive by for memory sake and it looks the exact same! Though, they have filled in the pool that was right next door. :( But my basketball courts were there...I loved those courts.

They updated the fishing dock
But left the basketball court in vintage style. Love it!

The next day we hit the Callaway Beach. I loved it. I thought it was such a nice, quaint beach. Very well organized with lots of pavillion space and water playgrounds (which we kept missing out on the times), a fountain, a train (which we missed also), an outdoor circus. You can bring in your own cooler of picnic stuff and drinks. The kids had a ball!!!

How do you not love her expressions? ha ha

Saturday night we ate out at the Country Store Restaurant! We had great southern cooking food. And of course, picture time after that then a visit to the Gardens.

Our rockin' new ride

Seth giving Emmy a tour of the sunflowers.
She's listening intently, too.
posted by Julie at 2:25 PM |


At August 12, 2010 at 8:54 PM, Blogger Blog author said........
Nice that you guys got a little family getaway before school started! Looks like the kids had fun! I could so go for the country cooking. :)

At August 15, 2010 at 11:58 PM, Blogger jms said........
Such a sweet family! I love the pictures . . . especially the one of Seth and Emmy at the end. I see it in black and white, framed in each of their rooms. Love the new van and yes, I love the dingbat that drove his new Toyota thru the safari . . . seriously, did he not see the broken down POS's painted like zebras that he could rent?