Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Trying to learn about Seth's day is like pulling teeth. Obviously, a 5 year old isn't the most profound story teller but any vague details would be nice. I am playing detective and asking questions hoping to stumble on a piece of the day.

"Did you have story time?"
"How many teachers do you have?"
"Do you play any games?" "Which games?" "Do you like them?"
"What is your favorite part of the day?"
etc etc etc

And here are some of the facts I have found out...though not sure how true they really are.
  1. The cafeteria has superhero Popsicle after lunch. He gets the Wolverine ones.
  2. The playground has a fireman pole on it. He was scared at first but now jumps to reach it.
  3. They play the pinch and run game. Seth gets pinched and he has to try to run but he laughs too hard. hmm, somehow I don't think this is organized but more of a playground made up game.
  4. The bus ride home makes him cranky and sweaty. Sometimes he falls asleep on the bus.
  5. My personal favorite: There is a kid in his class named Steven who has earrings..."just like the man that brings the pizza to our door". Lovely!
And education you ask...he's learning loads.
  1. He has learned to unbuckle and buckle his belt to use the restroom.
  2. He's learning to tie his in progress.
  3. He's learned he can choose chocolate milk for lunch and has even learned to mix it up and drink white milk on occassion "to make mommy happy."
  4. He learned how to play and win Bingo.
  5. My personal favorite: He has learned that he doesn't want mommy to pack his snack (like we are supposed to) "because if you forget your snack, you get animal crackers so forget my snack tomorrow so I can get animal crackers!"
posted by Julie at 5:00 AM |


At August 16, 2010 at 12:07 AM, Blogger jms said........
He's already learning how to work the system isn't he? ☺ PS What kind of crappy snack are you packing that he'd rather have animal crackers?

At August 16, 2010 at 8:27 AM, Blogger Julie said........
I was packing multi-colored goldfish which he loves (uh, loved). haha!