Monday, August 16, 2010
As you guys know, I am a fool for these discount deal a day things like Groupon, Half Off Depot, Living Social, Scoutmob, etc. There are a ton of them and they have such good deals. I have gotten some great deals from Groupon and Living Social this year. We had our yard aerated for $40, our carpets cleaned for $25, my car detailed (inside and job to date) for $70, and I have gone to a day spa for a 3 hour deal for $100. But the best one yet was a 4-hour boat rental at Lake Lanier for $80. And the kicker was the rental marina was the same marina my parents had their houseboat growing up.

So we had a walk down memory lane. We invited my parents to come along since they love boating, too. Not to mention dad was going to have his hip replaced at the end of July and we figured it would be a last hoorah day for him. ha! The marina looked great...they have done a lot of revamping. Yet, our old dock looks the same, some of the same boats are still there, too. As well as some of the same boat furniture and boat decorations - talk about time for an update...get rid of the '70s curtains.

Emmy loved driving the boat with Pop
Then she got tired and just chilled with Pop
My mom & I
Emmy caught her first fish

Seth takes driving VERY seriously

Seth's first fish EVER with daddy and Pop...awesome!
posted by Julie at 8:29 AM |