Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Seth started Kindergarten yesterday! I can't believe he is already off to school. Where did those 5 years go? And when did he get big enough to carry a backpack? Or know his way around a school? Or get his own lunch in the cafeteria?

He was so excited all weekend about going to 'big boy' school and wearing his uniform. I am so happy he has a uniform school...it really takes away any bit of "What will he wear today?" Their uniforms have variety and can be one of a few shades of shorts and shirts and must have all white, all black, or all brown shoes. Since it is a public school, it isn't required but most parents I've seen are excited about it.

His school starts on the early rotation for the county, so bell rings at 8:15am and ends at 2:45pm. Right now, daddy takes him in the morning and he rides the bus home. He absolutely loves the bus thing. Oh how things will change over the years. ha! His bus was late yesterday (given the first week of learning the routes, etc) so he wasn't home until 4pm! It was a long day for my little man. He was tired, sweaty, and whiney when he got home. But later told me how much fun he had!
Tell me that uniform isn't the cutest thing?
Ready with his backpack and bus necklack

Proud of my little man
Look how he just ran in. I'm yelling bye from the van and he never turned around.
And not sure if you can tell in the last picture or not, but we bought what we thought was a cute pirate-themed backpack. In reality, it is just blue, black, yellow with SKULLS all over it. Real nice! So glad I'm sending my Kindergartener into his first day with a ghetto backpack. hahaha! And of course, Uncle Mike noticed right away! Now my coworkers thought they were pandas. Really...no way would I send my 5 year old SON into school with a panda backpack. Where's the street cred? ha Just Kidding!
posted by Julie at 1:25 PM |