Monday, July 5, 2010
As soon as I have time to sort through Emily's third birthday pictures, that will be my next post. However, it has been a holiday weekend of random events...which has been so much fun! We had the Scruggs kiddies over for a playdate Sat night and the Heidlers joined us for dinner as well. All 6 kids had so much fun together.

I should have known that getting a picture of their picnic would bring out the "goofy" in Seth Heidler and Emily...per usual. I love it!

This morning I asked Seth if he could try to make his bed all by himself. He ran off to try it and did such a good job that we are posting it to the blog. This was his first attempt and pretty good...especially considering the bedrails are not easy.

He is so proud!
He faced his animals to look outside...of course.
posted by Julie at 10:09 AM |