Tuesday, February 16, 2010
It snowed a ton here on Friday. It started about 1pm and rained down for hours giving us a tad over 4 inches! I can't remember the last time this area has gotten this much. And it was REAL snow not the slushy ice that we usually get. Of course, Christian was at work so it was the little ones and I. We bundled up and they had their snow boots on and ready to go. I was surprised how much Emily enjoyed snowball fighting with us. Bo acted like he was 6 months old again running around the yard and bouncing up and down in it. I taught them how to make snow angels but Emmy hated that. She complained about the snowflakes falling in her eyes. Seth loved snow angels...I forgot to take pictures of that.

Seth is so proud of our mini Snowman

Bo loved eating the snowballs

This is the real Snowman that Daddy made them.
He's representing the Gwinnett Braves!
Emmy insisted I take a picture of her prized snow boots
Emmy tries to catch a snowflake with her tongue. ha!
posted by Julie at 9:24 AM |


At February 16, 2010 at 10:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Glad y'all got some snow and had fun! We didn't end up with too much on Friday. :( I'd love another good one before spring!

At February 21, 2010 at 4:14 PM, Blogger jms said........
The one year that I'm not in Georgia it snows like the North Pole! I love it! Wish I'd been there = )