Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Most nights, Christian is working and I am here with the kiddies alone. We have kind of settled into a routine each night. After dinner, we play a bit then clean up. OK, the clean up is still a work-in-progress but I have found they do a really good job when they know 2 mini marshmellows are at the end of that chore. Yes, TWO mini marshmellows - Christian says it sounds like child labor laws but I say if it works and their happy, good for mommy! Anyway, after clean up is bath time then PJ time. They really calm down and relax more in their PJs (like their mommy). So I took a video and a picture tonight to show a typical PJ time before bed...just cracks me up that they seem to independent.

Can't find Emily or Bo? Chances are they are together lately.
Here's Emily reading Bo a bedtime book...Bo looks like a good sport.

Seth has become one with the computer. He found the jukebox on Nick Jr website and sings along.
posted by Julie at 8:52 PM |


At February 2, 2010 at 10:26 PM, Blogger The Rector Family said........
I love this part of the song, "qweyio adkjf fjnfdofa Go Deigo sdkjo sdkfadufid Go Deigo Go!

At February 3, 2010 at 7:51 AM, Blogger Julie said........
Yes, that is what was cracking me up so much. He was so confident in singing even when he didn't know the words! ha ha

At February 5, 2010 at 8:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Emily didn't seem too impressed with his singing! haha! Her expression was funny. And, don't feel bad about dessert-- I usually give Ella applesauce or yogurt for dessert, and she thinks she's hit the jackpot! I save the sweet part of the meal for later and make it seem like a dessert. :)