Monday, February 1, 2010
Today is our Anniversary - 7 years. We both say that it seems like Time Flies so quickly but at the same time, we feel like we have been together a lifetime. I guess that is just because we have packed so much into a 7 year period that who has time for the 7 Year Itch. We both started new jobs a few months before getting married - we are both still working at those places so they must have been good fits. We bought our house to "grow into." We have been to Costa Rica, London, and Amsterdam. We were hoping to squeeze in more International travel but Seth became a much better use of our time. He was the best surprise we could hope for. Two years later, Emily made our family complete - Casa Feliz. Almost three years later, we feel so lucky to have a house of chaos, laughing, giggling, love, toys spread around, two little school bags, and a big basket of little shoes on our fireplace. To others, it may seem hectic and constant. To us, it all seems so complete and blessed. Fun.

So lucky to have Christian to share it with me. In fact, I couldn't do any of it without him. He is the best dad and husband to share this journey with. We are always laughing and loving the little things our little ones do. Amo, Mi Niño!

The gift - wool or copper. Hmm, as interesting as those sound I could think of nothing creative within those guidelines. Ok Ok, I did think of one thing but decided against it. Some of you may know this and hopefully most do not. Christian has this box of pennies that he collected all through high school and much to my dismay, found them as we were moving into our house. This box may look somewhat small until you pick it up, I believe Mike estimated its weight at 50lbs. The running joke is that he hasn't put them in the bank. Reason? Not what you may think. He wants to look through them all to see if there are any rare pennies in there. So the fleeting thought ran through my mind to look through them for him. Then I quickly came to my senses and laughed out loud - As though I have that amount of free time. So instead, I chose to get him to tickets to a Rodrigo y Gabriela concert in March.

We went out last night with the kids to Japanese (or as Seth calls it "Fire on the Table") to celebrate as a family. This weekend, the kids are going to spend the night with Uncle Mike and Aunt Biss so we can have dinner in Atlanta and stay the night at the Ritz! We cannot wait. Thanks Mike and Melissa!

So for memory sake, here is a walk down Memory Lane -

Finally, on our honeymoon in Costa Rica

posted by Julie at 7:20 AM |


At February 1, 2010 at 9:19 PM, Blogger The Rector Family said........
I love how well written your first paragraph was describing your life. It does sum it all up! That honeymoon picture is one of my favorites - I forgot how long your hair was then, and Christian looks so young! Your right... no time to think about a 7 year itch!

The best to the two of you!

At February 1, 2010 at 11:45 PM, Blogger jms said........
Happy Anniversary you two! A blessed life and marriage . . . here's to another 70 = )

At February 2, 2010 at 3:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Happy Anniversary to both of you! You know we love you guys bunches, and I remember your wedding like it was yesterday... how fast the time goes when you're having fun! :)