Saturday, January 16, 2010
So going way back in time to Thanksgiving at the Preschool! The Preschool teachers always do such an awesome job of involving all the kids in songs or plays. This year, Seth's class performed a little interactive story of sorts. I guess you could call it a Play but that may be a bit of a loose term. Seth, being the comic he thinks he is, managed to snag the role of the turkey. The teacher said he was going to be a Pilgrim...or as Seth called it a "Banger" since the Pilgrim's role was to say "Bang Bang." But he ended up a Turkey and I think it was the perfect role for him. He was the only one and had the only moving part.

First, notice his colored vest the teachers made for him. Super cute yet never seen a turkey quite like that. ha! The video below is about 2.5 minutes long and he makes his comic debut around the 1 min, 40 sec mark. Notice that once he realized he got the laugh off the audience, his eyes light up and he's hooked! A star is born? Well, I think a star was born almost 5 years ago when he entered this world.

posted by Julie at 9:10 AM |


At January 19, 2010 at 2:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Very cute!! Gobble, gobble...