Friday, January 15, 2010
My thoughts seem to be in Haiti a lot the last two days...along with the rest of the world. The destruction is unbelievable. CDC is in full response mode now. CDC is currently trying to locate all their staff. Diane Caves who is based here in Atlanta is missing and search and rescue efforts are underway. Please pray for Diane and her family. That being said, Haiti's infrastructure is completely destroyed and communications are limited or nonexistent. So locating people and communicating with them are near impossible right now.

I know work will be busy as we all try to help and do what we can. So glad to have the opportunity to work in this kind of environment. But outside of work, I am trying to do as much as I can to help and educate Seth and Emily on how lucky they are.

Ways to LEGITIMATELY help Haiti and know you money is going to the right place:
  1. Go to, hit donate now button at top and then International Response Fund. You can text "Haiti" to 90999 to donate $10 to the International Response Fund. The money will go directly to relief efforts in Haiti. Or call 1-800-Red-Cross.
  2. UNICEF uses the money for health care, clean water, nutrition, education and emergency relief. To donate, go to or 1-800-4-UNICEF.
  3. Text 'Yele' to 501501 to donate $5 to the Yele Haiti Earthquake Fund.
TWO rumors that ARE NOT true -
  1. UPS (and FedEx) are NOT shipping to Haiti for free. This rumor ran rampant on twitter and facebook and blogs. Unfortunately, the infrastructure is so bad off that UPS and FedEx are having to put all shipping to Haiti on Hold.
  2. American Airlines and Jet Blue are NOT flying doctors and nurses to Haiti for free either.

posted by Julie at 8:00 AM |