Wednesday, January 27, 2010
We took Emily to her allergist this morning to determine if she is, in fact, allergic to dyes. The answer in short - Yes. She has an allergic reaction, though pretty mild, to anything with artificial dyes - icings, Popsicle, grape juice... But usually her reaction have been pretty mild with just some blotchy rashes on her face or neck. However, the first time we gave her grape juice (mind you, we heavily dilute she had about 1/2 inch with the rest water), she broke out in hives. The doctor thinks it is likely she could outgrow this allergy and we hope so. However, we now have an epi-pen, just in case she were to have more concentration of red or yellow dyes and have a more severe reaction. But in the grand scheme of things, I am blessed it is something as mild as artificial dyes...these are generally pretty easily to avoid. So thankful the allergy isn't in more common foods.

So in the spirit of are some of the latest pics of her -

Wanted to be the one to give Bo a treat

Look how sweet and gentle Bo takes the treat from her.
He is awesome!
Loving on her Bo

posted by Julie at 7:30 PM |


At January 28, 2010 at 1:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Aww, poor Emmy! But, like you said, it could be worse. Still no fun, though...

At January 30, 2010 at 11:04 PM, Blogger The Rector Family said........
Look at those curls!!! Its always good to be prepared.. Better to have it and not use it than the alternative. Hopefully she will outgrow it.