Thursday, January 14, 2010
OK, so not kosher of me to have that title but I thought it was appropriate for the moment. I have heard so many friends bitch at me about not blogging lately so when I started this post, that song popped into my head. In fact, if this blog could play a would be that one.

I haven't had time to breathe in the last 3 months, let alone blog. But I am going to try to get better about it and have quite a bit to update you on. This is a baby post as I organize pictures and videos but wanted to get it going. Since I last blogged, there has been Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Birthday parties for friends, a Funeral, and Bowl Games... Sigh... Deep Breath.

Let me give you a teaser of Seth at a friend's 5 year old birthday party. This was held at the local gymnastics place. They had the whole area set up with tons of fun for the kids. Christian took Seth to this party because I was slammed at home...shocking, I was busy again. So Seth was able to do a trampoline (kids style), balance beams, obstacle course type stuff, and low and behold a zipline. For all of you that know my Seth...cautious is the first word that comes to mind. But he watched his friends do the zipline one and another and braved it for the camera. He loved it! You can hear him at the end saying "WWWEEEE." He had a ball! Thanks Drew!!

posted by Julie at 10:47 AM |


At January 14, 2010 at 2:59 PM, Blogger jms said........
Yay!!! So glad you're back in the saddle!!!!