Thursday, January 21, 2010
Every night after our bedtime reading, we do bedtime prayers. A lot of times I will do them with each of them in their own beds but sometimes when I'm tired, I do both at once. Usually by Thursday nights....I'm worn out. So tonight was one of those nights.

So after our "Now I lay me down to sleep" prayer, Seth usually has his own prayers for people (Emily is just learning to do this from Seth). Here are a few people he prayed for tonight. The funny part is the "why" he adds on at the end.

"Mom Thomas so she can walk up her ramps and Barbara." (the handicap ramps in Mom's house are the best part of those visits to Seth and Barbara apparently is just Barbara)

"Daddy to stay safe at work and catch bad people. We love him."

"Pop to not be sick anymore. OH! And Juju to be at his house and make him healthy!" (so apparently Juju doesn't get her own prayer tonight instead she gets a chore)

"Abo to drive safe so he doesn't get in a big crash." (apparently Abo is in danger of crashes)

"Mommy to stay at home tomorrow." I answer "Why?" He says, " know. So you can watch over me. You're silly!"

"Pray for Emmy so she can pretend to put eyeshadow on Bo." (Yes, more on that story later...Poor Bo is Emmy's pretend buddy and has had his "hair cut"and "eyeshadow and lipstick put on" and his nails clipped...Sweet Bo just lays there)

And Finally:
"Pray for Haiti so her house can be made again and she feels better." (We have tried to explain Earthquake Haiti to him and I thought he kind of understood but during this prayer it became apparent that he think Haiti is a lady who's house fell down.)

These are the moments I keep meaning to video but haven't done it yet.
posted by Julie at 8:24 PM |


At January 23, 2010 at 6:21 PM, Blogger jms said........
Sweet little thing! Please take pictures of Bo after his makeover and explain Haiti to Seth . . . although, he kinda has the idea, just on a small people's scale.

At January 23, 2010 at 9:42 PM, Blogger The Rector Family said........
Love the prayers and I'm so glad that you wrote it down to keep for memories later! As for the "makeover" - Yes please post pics of that one!