Wednesday, April 15, 2009
This is classic "daddy reaction." Aside from Emmy sampling the muddy water with her finger, the video did make me laugh. Christian was playing with them outside when they gravitated to the mud puddle. But what makes me laugh is the numerous difference between Daddy and Mommy in this situation.

1. Emmy is dressed in Seth's clothing
2. Daddy runs for the camera when I would have run to get them out of that puddle.
3. Daddy had them all bathed and put down for naps on time whereas this would have through me way off.
4. Daddy had their shoes washed and like-new by the time I got home whereas it would have been a process for me.
5. However, I would have predicted the water tasting by Emmy and never let it happen.

posted by Julie at 12:46 PM |


At April 20, 2009 at 7:10 AM, Blogger Paula said........
This is why it's best to have two parents. You each have your strengths and weaknesses.

This is still hilarious.