Wednesday, April 15, 2009
This is classic "daddy reaction." Aside from Emmy sampling the muddy water with her finger, the video did make me laugh. Christian was playing with them outside when they gravitated to the mud puddle. But what makes me laugh is the numerous difference between Daddy and Mommy in this situation.

1. Emmy is dressed in Seth's clothing
2. Daddy runs for the camera when I would have run to get them out of that puddle.
3. Daddy had them all bathed and put down for naps on time whereas this would have through me way off.
4. Daddy had their shoes washed and like-new by the time I got home whereas it would have been a process for me.
5. However, I would have predicted the water tasting by Emmy and never let it happen.

posted by Julie at 12:46 PM | 1 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
The last week has been a whirlwind between work, home, and Easter. I have not had time to post anything lately but I will sum it up in this post. Christian has moved back to working nights. The kids are LOVING having him around more during the day though they do miss him at bathtime and bedtime. It is allowing us a bit more breathing room on the money though so that helps.

This past week has been full of Easter memories from easter egg dying last Sunday to the family Easter egg hunt this weekend. Notice Chef Seth has great apparel for helping me in the kitchen as he always wants to help me. However, he does call himself "The Cooker" not "The Chef." ha ha

Bo slept through all the egg dying
A 4-year-old's joke that lasts for days

Emmy acts shy and runs to cute

Rell & Sam
Mom & Barbara
Dad, Aunt Shirley, & Christian
posted by Julie at 9:13 PM | 2 comments