Monday, February 16, 2009
So I haven't had any pics to post on here for a long time. Low and behold, I had tons of pics on my camera that I just uploaded today. So here we go.

First...Kirstin Kava and her boys came over one Friday night for pizza. There is Aaron, Nicholas, and Nathan...they are in trouble in teen years with them. Here are a few pictures:

Aaron, Nicholas, Nathan

Nathan's gorgeous smile

Then it was Valentine's Day this weekend. I could not effectively get a good picture of Seth and Emily by myself. So here are my futile attempts. They were waiting for Juju and Pop at the front door.

Watching TV at Barbara's house Sunday

Then Allie and Addison came over Sunday afternoon to show us their new puppy, Macy. She is BEAUTIFUL and CUTE! I would love one of these puppies one day. It is a maltese and shih tzu (I don't feel right writing that out) cross. Her hair was so soft and she is adorable. She loved Emmy but I'm guessing it was her size.

posted by Julie at 10:12 AM |


At February 17, 2009 at 4:58 PM, Blogger Blog author said........
Welcome back to your blog! ha! Love the pics!!

At February 18, 2009 at 7:02 AM, Blogger Paula said........
I love Em's "I'm taking a picture so must stand straight" pose in front of the door. :)