Thursday, February 26, 2009
It is that time of year again where I am participating in the big American Cancer Society's Relay for Life in May. I am raising money at this time to hopefully reach my goal of $350. If you would like to donate, please feel free to visit: to support me. You can also come out and join the fun on May 8 at the Gwinnett County Fairgrounds!

And an added bonus...Seth is officially potty-trained day AND night. I have been very leary to say this to anyone but it has now been a few weeks of going to bed in undies and waking up dry! Dear Lord, I thought this day would never come! YEA!!! So now we may start working on Emily but haven't had time to start yet. :)
posted by Julie at 8:58 AM |


At February 27, 2009 at 6:51 AM, Blogger Unknown said........
This is always a day for HUGE celebrations when a child makes it officially out of potty training.


At February 27, 2009 at 6:52 AM, Blogger Paula said........
Well, this is the trouble of using Google Groups for work, I see.... :)