Bo had his annual vet visit which means I had my annual 'old dog' lecture. sigh. I love our vet, Dr. Casey, as she is so sweet with Bo and so knowledgable on boxers. However, I could do without hearing age and old comments throughout the visit. Makes me sad. He is 8 1/2 years old already and I have no idea how that happened so quickly. Anyway, I told her that he had been having some stiffness in his front legs after he sleeps or coming down stairs. She pointed out to me that with boxers (and especially given Bo's large stature for a boxer) 80% of his weight are over his front legs, not his hind legs. As soon as she said that, it made total sense to me. Poor thing...He has a huge head, huge neck, and an even bigger barrel chest. She said if I could get about 10 pounds off of him, it would help his elbows and arthritis a lot. She did mention how good of shape he is in and that he doesn't need to lose the weight but it would help his legs. So we are on a mission now. No more Seth leftovers after each dinner for Bo. :) And I spent a chunk on joint supplements for him to help his stiffness.
Now a little side story on Seth. Seth has really started showing how quick his little mind is processing now. Kind of scary really. On Tuesday, my mom took him to see my grandmother for lunch. That afternoon I came home from work and he told me all about his trip to Barbara's house. He then shows me a red block that goes with a set of blocks at my mom's house. He guides me into answering his questions "Mommy, what's this?" He asked a few times before I answered it the way he was looking for me too....I told him it was a block from Juju's house. He smiles when I finally said "from Juju's house" and proceeded to give him his plan. "Juju come to my house and I can give it back to Juju." I said "Seth, juju can't come over right now...maybe later." I didn't think much of it. Then he runs after me saying "Drop Seth off at Juju's and I give it back." It was then I realized that he has preplanned his block stealing as a bigger scheme to see Juju. ha ha ha!!! Cracked me up!!
So then last night after I fixed dinner and called them to table. Seth brings his legos to the table (as he does with a toy every night). Only this time it was 2 towers of legos he had built. I told him he couldn't bring both of those towers to the table but he could pick one and bring it. I then turn around and begin pouring their milk while half-listening to him pouting about how he 'needed' them. By the time I turned around, he had connected the 2 towers together in one and goes "Look Mommy...I have one." I mean...really!! How do I argue with that? He is outsmarting me at 3 1/2 years old. ha ha ha ha! I LOVE IT!