Wednesday, October 1, 2008
The gas shortage in Atlanta is really starting to take its toll. I am having to use gas finder websites to find gas. I mean, really!!! Nevermind that when you do find a gas station that has gas, you are waiting in HUGE lines to get it. Thankfully, the CDC and Northrop is very accommodating to telecommuting as that helps a lot. I just don't know what people are doing that don't have this option. I saw mail trucks waiting in the gas lines with me....SAD!!! Christian said the county emergency vehicle pumps were running dry last week. They were all refilled over the weekend, but what happens when/if firetrucks and police cars cannot be filled? Seriously.
posted by Julie at 2:07 PM |


At October 1, 2008 at 7:49 PM, Blogger Blog author said........
It's ridiculous. This country has reserves, and we need to use them!

At October 2, 2008 at 6:11 AM, Blogger Paula said........
They announced last night that everything is back up to full capacity and that out-of-state tankers would be allowed in without a license. They're hoping to use that to get us filled up sooner. We'll see.

But yes, this is ridiculous. I heard one county actually took over a gas station so that their emergency vehicles could have a good source of fuel.