Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Our weekend started out with a win! UGA beat LSU...Sorry Josh. It was a good game and to be honest the score makes it prettier than it really was.

Bo just couldn't enough of Garrett's giggles

This was a dance-off...if only I had video...it was hilarious!
Garrett had fancy footwork and Emmy had fancy hipwork.

The Taylors came over Sunday with Brody. Can I just say he cracked me up! He is only 11 months old and he has a great sense of humor already...hmm, wonder why? Between mommy and daddy, he will be dripping sarcasm by the time he drop diapers. Look at his eyes!!!

Seth seemed to adore his "baby" friend as he called him.

And Daddy finished the playset. Check out the roof and swings. Seth is loving it!

posted by Julie at 8:23 PM |


At October 29, 2008 at 6:00 AM, Blogger Paula said........
The playset is done?! That's what caused the earthquake in Pakistan!!

And thanks for posting pictures of Brody. It's not as if Melissa shows us any....


At October 29, 2008 at 10:45 AM, Blogger Julie said........
I know right. I have a real good one I wanted to post but promised her I wouldn't...ask her!