Friday, August 1, 2008
Seth finished his two week swim class with Pop yesterday. He only did 8 short classes and improved so much. Knowing at 3 years old that he won't take off swimming on his own, the classes made a huge improvement. We can go swimming with him now and he doesn't hold on to us at all. In fact, he can paddle and kick and swims on his own. He has a noodle that ties around him for flotation. He jumps off the edge of the pool and goes under and doesn't mind at all. He has done a complete 180 in the pool. LOVE IT!!! Pop did really well to build his confidence the last two weeks. So here are a few pictures from his 'graduation' class yesterday morning. The lifeguard let them play in the waterpark area as a treat.

Pop got Seth to jump in by himself
And Ann got Caitlyn to jump in on her own
Pop and Seth in the lazy river
posted by Julie at 7:21 PM |


At August 2, 2008 at 9:04 AM, Blogger Blog author said........
Yay, Seth! Wish you could come go swimming with us!

At August 2, 2008 at 1:49 PM, Blogger Paula said........
Congratulations, Seth! You'll be swimming on your own in no time.