Friday, August 15, 2008
Seth had his first dentist appointment yesterday. I took him to our dentist since I have been going to these same dentists since I was a kid. I love them. Luckily, Dora The Explorer has gone to the dentist...this saved me some explaining. I told him that we were going to have the dentist check his teeth and that a dentist was a doctor for teeth. Fast forward a day to when we get to the dentist. Seth came back to the room with me so he could watch as I got my teeth cleaned. He was very curious about everything and asking questions left and right (well, that's normal for him anyway. ha). The hygienist was VERY accommodating to him. In the middle of the cleaning, he leans over my mouth to see what she is doing and says "Is Mommy's teeth sick? You check mommy's teeth?" I couldn't help but laugh. I thought he would be scared of the water vacuum thingee but he thought it was hilarious. He couldn't wait for his turn to try it. He kept asking when I would be done and when it would be his turn. OH...and he equated the napkin they over you to a bib. I can see that.
So then it was Seth's turn. He hopped in the chair and was very excited the chair went up and down like "Mom's chair" grandmother, Mom Thomas, has a recliner that moves to a button to help her stand up easily. All in all, his visit was a total success. They gave him teeny sunglasses to wear so the big light wouldn't bother his eyes. I don't get to do that! He let them do everything from the scrapper to brushing to the floss. I was thoroughly impressed that he sat calmly while they scraped. They did find that two of his teeth are fused together. ha! What are the odds? You can't tell by looking at them but the floss cannot move past them. They just said that it is no big deal, they will just fall out together. He got to pick out a toothbrush and a toy. He was very pleased with himself at the end. He kept saying "I get teeth clean like you, mommy"

This picture was taken with my cellphone so it
isn't the best quality picture but he looked so cute!
posted by Julie at 7:14 AM |


At August 15, 2008 at 9:40 AM, Blogger Blog author said........
Way to go, Seth!