Monday, August 11, 2008
After years of talking about it, I finally did it. I went for a real bra fitting at Intimacy. Intimacy is the lingerie place that was featured on Oprah regarding bra fitting. I have been wanting to have myself properly measured since Seth was born and never did. I am so glad I went. I was waaaaayyyy off. I will say that I was very pleasantly surprised to find out that I was a cup size larger than I thought and my "circumference" was 4 inches smaller than I thought. wonder I felt saggy, old, and fat before. They did a great job of fitting and they do not use measuring tapes. They use their bras to fit your exact size. Loved it and made much more sense. Dang Victoria Secret! I was measured there once a few years back and they were way off and their bras never felt great. sigh. I couldn't believe how much more comfortable ALL the bras felt after having myself fitted. Then came sticker shock when I found out how much all the different bras were. But I just didn't care, I only bought one for now...they were seriously WAY more than I expected. But I wrote down the ones that I loved and I will go back and buy more.
posted by Julie at 10:04 PM |


At August 12, 2008 at 8:44 AM, Blogger Blog author said........
First, let me say I love this post for any guys reading your blog! They are super uncomfortable now! Second, that's awesome! I KNOW I need a different bra size. Nothing I have fits properly. Victoria's Secret measurements are way off, and I don't like the fit of most of their stuff. You will have to take me to this place when we come to Atlanta next!

At August 13, 2008 at 9:30 AM, Blogger The Rector Family said........
I'm waiting to go here to, but I resigned myself to wait until I have all the kids because I'm sure things will change again! HA! I'm glad that it was a great experience for you! Yeah, old vikki secret needs to get it together... Like their panties, but not their bras!