Sunday, August 24, 2008
Yes, I know what you're thinking...and so...maybe you are right. Everyone knows I cannot swallow a stupid pill to save my life. In my desperate attempt to find more energy, I went to the real vitamin store and bought some women's vitamins. Wonderful, right? Right up until I opened the bottle and saw they are freakin' horse pills! Not to mention they are not candy-coated (as I like to so fondly call my Excedrin or Advil) and they are not a capsule. Just one huge chalky mass of nutrients. SIGH! I have choked on the stupid thing countless days in a row. So finally I came up with a brilliant idea of cutting into THIRDS...yes, thirds. 1/2 of the pill is still enormous. So as I take a gulp of water and attempt to swallow the middle third, it lodges ever-so-perfectly into the left side of my throat. Not only is it completely stuck but the corner feels like it is slicing my throat open. Every gulp of water just puts more pressure on the stupid pill to where I think my throat may be damaged. After panicking for a few minutes, it finally started dissolving enough to go down. Dear Lord...who knew that could happen? So as my coworkers have said, I should just go buy the generic woman one-a-day from Target...much easier and cheaper.

And no comments from the peanut gallery...I only have this gag reflex with pills for some reason. Uh huh....I know what you're thinking.
posted by Julie at 6:57 PM |


At August 25, 2008 at 3:07 AM, Blogger Blog author said........
First, yes, it's the middle of the night! I cannot sleep to save my life tonight... sigh! Anyway, don't ever cut a pill up and try to swallow it! Makes it worse than the big pill you started with. I gave up on the horse pill vitamins after they made me so sick to my stomach. Take some kids' chewable vitamins--you'll still get a lot of benefit!

At August 25, 2008 at 6:43 AM, Blogger Paula said........
What? ::looks innocent:: What were were thinking?


At August 27, 2008 at 2:53 PM, Blogger jms said........
OK, I'm totally with you on this one . . . I take the Publix Brand On-A-Day b/c they come in tablet form (round) instead of pill shaped (oblong). Much like advil. I CANNOT swallow pills either . . . you can also get liquid form but it is so vulgar you'll never take it = )