Friday, August 1, 2008
Last night was Cathy's Retirement Party at Cowtipper's! It was horrible weather but a great turnout. I tried to get some of the roast by Sherrie and Joe on video but my memory ran out half-way through so Joe got lucky! I got most of Sherrie's speech though. I have worked with Cathy for six years as a teammate and will miss talking to her every day. Lord knows we have similar family issues, so she will have to hear about that via email. ha ha! Here are some pics:

Molly's artwork via edible image!
Cathy's feeling good now

Joe, Cathy, and Sherrie (pre-roast)
posted by Julie at 7:02 PM |


At August 2, 2008 at 1:48 PM, Blogger Paula said........
Dang. It SUCKS that I missed it!

Did you guys dress her like that? Or did she come in that way?

At August 2, 2008 at 4:30 PM, Blogger Julie said........
We dressed her like that. ha