Sunday, August 17, 2008
Finally...more steps to independence! Emily dropped her morning nap a few weeks ago so she only takes an afternoon nap. Both her and Seth sleep in the afternoon at the same time. Sweet Relief!!! :) But this weekend, we switched her over from the high chair to a booster seat at the table. Now, this is not normally a hugely coveted step for most people. However, as everyone knows...I HATE CLUTTER. And the huge high chair in our kitchen always felt like it took up half the kitchen. So now, it is gone. :) Oh and Emily is loving sitting across from Seth at the table. So win win, all around.

Saturday, we took the kids to Stone Mountain to play. Here are some random pics from that:

posted by Julie at 7:23 PM |


At August 18, 2008 at 1:04 PM, Blogger Blog author said........
I wish we had St. Mtn. close to us! What a great place to take the kids and play.