Wednesday, February 27, 2008
With age, comes fun medical procedures. Bo got to learn this lesson today. This morning I dropped him off to have a skin tag removed and was told to come back around 5 to pick him up. As I was paying, I could hear him coming down the back hall...a bull in a china shop. He must have scrapped every wall and door frame before he got to me. He looked so happy yet so humiliated to see me. I am sure my empathetic laughter didn't help his esteem at all. Poor thing. And poor Emily still sits rear-facing in the car, so she had a front seat view to what seemed like the scariest looking lampshade she'd ever seen. She was petrified every time he moved. All was good when we got home and she realized it was Bo, not some satellite dish ready to eat her. ha! I thought I would post some pics of our poor Bo. We hope he can stop receiving satellite communications tomorrow.

Bo refused to look at the camera

His body language and sunken shoulders tell it all
posted by Julie at 7:31 PM | 2 comments
Monday, February 25, 2008
Christian had weekend duty and Emily was sick so it made for a nice weekend around the house. I will say that Emily is 'on the move' now. She has pulled herself up a step to venture out of the den and follow Seth around. And she is quite proud of herself that she can pull up to her knees now. Of course, we get to hear Seth constantly saying "Emmy, watch your head." even though she won't be near any object. We can thank Diego for teaching him that phrase. ha!

Emily is so excited to have a new perspective

Seth is the constant big brother making sure she doesn't fall
posted by Julie at 7:34 PM | 1 comments
Monday, February 18, 2008
Saturday was the day to work on Seth's play set. The weather was perfect for the job, and Christian had his new tool belt he meant business.

However, it seems that all our quick jobs turn out to be major projects. We enlisted Uncle Sam's help and our friend, Christopher, who incidentally has a son named Seth too. How many grown men does it take to build a safe play set? .... We'll let you know as soon as ours is built.

We won't mention Seth's tumble from the ladder that caused Mom a heartache. Thank God for frozen peas.
posted by Julie at 8:55 PM | 0 comments
Friday, February 15, 2008
It finally snowed here in January. Seth's first attempt at a snowball showed how 'southern' he really is. It must have been the tiniest snowball around but he sure was proud of it. ha! Emily only made it outside for the photo op.

posted by Julie at 8:04 PM | 2 comments
I guess it is about time we joined the blogging world. Allow me to introduce us. We were married in 2003. We had our son, Seth, in 2005; our daughter, Emily, in 2007. And I have had Bo since 2000...time flies!

Bo and Seth in 2006

posted by Julie at 9:54 AM | 1 comments