Friday, November 13, 2009
So my little ones are into dancing EVERY NIGHT after baths. I started this little nightly routine on accident. I decided to turn up music one night to hopefully distract them from pulling out toys again after they just cleaned up. Now, it is a demand they shout to me after they get into PJs each night. "Mommy! Turn it up! Time to Dance!" I have to say it is better than TV to watch and easier on bedtime when they have worn themselves out. So what kind of music you ask? Well, if you know me at all, you know that I like all kinds of music. I have everything from Eminem (not kid-friendly) to latin salsa music to Aerosmith, AC/DC to Oldies Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis, and The Big Bopper! So out of everything latin music and oldies seem to be the most kid-safe music. Shall I digress a bit to the story you guys may remember of Seth singing "Try to make me go to rehab, I said No No No." All funny at age 2, not so funny when his vocab gets better and people at the church preschool can understand him. ha! So we have moved into Oldies and Latin music. Though Seth keeps wanting Pink and Will Smith!

Here is our every night artist, Aretha! Emily sings this song,
"Chain of Fools" as "Chain Chain Chain"

Here is Seth's favorite song "So What"
or as he calls it "Rock Star"

posted by Julie at 7:15 PM | 1 comments