Monday, October 19, 2009

I had a friend do some custom canvas paintings for Emily's room. She did an amazing job. These paintings are beautiful. I asked her to paint an elephant (since Emmy loves Elephants), a dragonfly (Emmy's quilt has dragonflies on it), and a giraffe. They also represent her initials..EDG. So here is the finished product. This was taken on my phone camera so it is a bit pixelated, so excuse that. Thank You Amanda!!!
posted by Julie at 9:23 AM | 1 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
We had our floors finally installed 2 weeks ago. We replaced the carpet in the dining room and den. And the vinyl replaced in the kitchen. We bought a new rug for the den...Bo was much happier once the rug came in. We also bought a new dining room table since the solid marble table could crack the new floors. Here are some pics.



posted by Julie at 3:19 PM | 3 comments